
序号 论文题目 作者 姓名 发表刊物或方式 检索收录类型 发表时间
1 Theoretical Assessment of Localized    Surface Plasmon Resonance Properties of Au-Interlayer-Ag Multilayered    Nanoshells Chao    Liu, Jingwei Lv, Zhaoting Liu, Shijie Zheng, Qiang Liu, Tao Sun, Haiwei Mu,    Paul K. Chu Plasmonics SCI 2016
2 Design    and theoretical analysis of a photonic crystal fiber based on surface plasmon    resonance sensing Chao    Liu, Famei Wang, Jingwei Lv, Tao Sun, Qiang Liu, Haiwei Mu, Paul K. Chu Journal of Nanophotonics SCI 2015
3 A    highly temperature sensitive photonic crystal fiber based on SPR sensor Liu    Chao, Wang Famei, Lv Jingwei,    Sun Tao, Liu Qiang, Fu Changfeng, Mu Haiwei Optics Communications SCI  
4 Analysis    of a highly birefringent asymmetric photonic crystal fiber based on surface    plasmon resonance sensor. Chao    Liu, Famei Wang, Shijie Zheng,    Jingwei Lv, Tao Sun, Qiang Liu, Lin Yang, Haiwei Mu, Paul K. Chu Journal of Modern Optics SCI 2016
5 Algorithm    optimization of motion tracking based on optical flow (EI: 20142517840364) Liu    Dongming Advanced    Material Research,
                         ISSN1022-6680    (CA)
EI 2014.5.20
6 The    Realization of Real-Time Motion Tracking Algorithm (EI: 20142517840448) Liu    Dongming Advanced    Material Research,
                         ISSN1022-6680    (CA)
EI 2014.5.20
7 基于FPGA的Lucas-Kanade算法优化 刘东明 光学仪器ISSN1005-5630 核心 2014.6.15
8 激光破岩技术发展现状及未来发展方向 牟海维 石油化工应用   2016.8
9 基于Android的重力加速度测量方法研究 牟海维 黑龙江科技信息   2016.1
10 表面等离子体共振传感器灵敏度仿真研究 牟海维 新技术新工艺   2015.2
11 Optical properties of local surface    plasmon resonance in Ag/ITO sliced nanosphere by the discrete dipole    approximation. Haiwei Mu, Jingwei Lv [J]Applied Physics A,   2016
12 基于RFID的远程物资管理系统 张勇 化工自动化及仪表   2014-11-10
13 基于STM32W108的无线传感系统 张勇 电子设计工程   2014-02-20
14 基于无线传感网的移动监测系统 张勇 科技创新与应用   2016-06-28
15 倾斜光纤光栅温度传感透射光谱研究 高宇飞,刘超,张勇 光学技术   2014.7
16 基于平膜片和悬臂梁的光纤光栅压力响应特性研究 高宇飞,刘超,牟海维 光学仪器   2014.8
17 倾角对倾斜光纤光栅光谱特性的影响 高宇飞, 牟海维, 张勇, 刘超 光学仪器   2015.8
18 Structural and optical properties of    oxygen to argon flow ratio on the Zn0.98Cr0.02O thin films deposited by RF    magnetron sputtering 付长凤 Journal of Materials Science:    Materials in Electronics SCI 2016
19 .Effects of sputtering power on    structural, electrical and optical properties of Cr-doped ZnO thin films    prepared by magnetron sputtering 付长凤 Journal of Materials Science: Materials    in Electronics SCI 2015
20 Effects of substrate temperature on    the structural and magnetic properties in Cr-doped ZnO films prepared by    magnetron sputtering 付长凤 Journal of Materials Science:    Materials in Electronics SCI 2014
21 Effects of Cr Doping Concentration on    the Structural, Optical and Magnetic Properties of ZnO Thin Films 付长凤 Physica Status Solidi(a) SCI 2013
22 Effects of Annealing on the Structural    and Photoluminescence Properties of Zn0.98Cr0.02O Thin Films Prepared by    Magnetron Sputtering 付长凤 Physica Status Solidi(a) SCI 2011
23 Structural and optical properties of    Zn1-xCrxO thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering 付长凤 Materials    Science Forum SCI 2011
24 Outlier Detection and Correction for    the Deviations of Tooth Profiles of Gears 付长凤
Measurement Science Review SCI 2013
25 Evaluation of measurement uncertainty    based on grey system theory for small samples from an unknown distribution 付长凤
26 Measurement of Involute Profile with    Small Clamping Eccentricity in a Gear Measuring Center 付长凤
27 装卡偏心状态下渐开线齿廓的测量 付长凤
北京工业大学学报 CSCD 2013
28 Design and Implementation of Sound    Searching Robots in Wireless Sensor Networks 付长凤
Sensors SCI 2016
29 Optically controlled background-free    terahertz switching in chiral metamaterial 吕婷婷 Optics Letters SCI 2014
30 Dual-band asymmetric transmission of    linear polarization in bilayered chiral metamaterial 吕婷婷
Applied Physics Letters SCI 2013
31 一种基于FPGA改进电路的高性能正则表达式匹配算法 刘强
计算机应用 统计源 2016
32 弯曲光纤光栅温度与应力传感特性研究 刘强
传感器世界 统计源 2015
33 双光束抽运对全光Cs原子磁力仪灵敏度的影响 刘强 应用光学 CSCD 2015
34 抽运光频率对全光Cs原子磁力仪灵敏度的影响 刘强 激光与光电子学进展 CSCD 2014
35 全光Cs原子磁力仪的温度特性研究 刘强 光学仪器 统计源 2014
36 基于DAVLL技术的半导体激光器稳频装置设计 刘强 光学仪器 统计源 2014
37 Influence of He buffer gas pressure on    Cs atomic polarizability 刘强 Applied Mechanics and Materials EI 2013
38 Measurement of linearly polarized    light rotation applied in atomic magnetometer 刘强 Advanced Materials Research EI 2013
39 All-optical Cseium atomic magnetometer    with high sensitivity 刘强
Chinese Physics Letter SCI 2012
40 锁频点连续可调的激光器稳频技术 刘强 激光与光电子学进展 CSCD 2012

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